Products & Services
From analysis, to consulting, to training, we accompany you on your decision-making paths.
We model electricity price scenarios for Europe on the basis of recognised market scenarios and our own expertise. You receive the electricity price scenarios from us in four different variants. Check out our Energy BrainReports for the EU-27, UK, Switzerland and Norway. Choose your own report structure, data depth, and decide between a single purchase or subscription.
Profit from our method to determine the most likely spot market prices. Thanks to swarm-based electricity price scenarios, you can make crisis-proof decisions: To help you understand the impact of risk factors on current and future projects.
With the fundamental energy market model Power2Sim you can quickly and intuitively form an opinion on the wholesale electricity market. The software simulates electricity prices up to the year 2060 for all EU countries, Norway and Switzerland. A powerful tool to accompany your short-, medium- and long-term modelling.
Our power plant database provides you with valuable information from geo-coordinates to efficiencies, which you can process directly without additional research. The current list of all power plants in Europe is used, for example, to build an individual merit order model, to simulate the electricity market or as a basis for statistical analyses of the generation sector.
Why waste a lot of time researching data when we already have a large pool of energy market data. Benefit from processed data for your analyses or power and gas procurement strategies.
Why waste a lot of time researching data when we already have a large pool of energy market data. In addition to our consulting services on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), we provide you with up-to-date market data.
We monitor European energy policy on a daily basis, producing well-founded studies that make the energy market sit up and listen. Are you a political actor from associations, organisations and ministries? Then we are happy to support you by moderating the process of finding opinions and positions.
Our analyses and expert reports provide you with an objective basis for decisions on market entry, investments and optimisation of corporate strategies. In addition to our analytical approach, we know the industry inside out. We have many years of experience and understand the energy markets. And only those who understand markets can model them on the basis of realistic scenarios.
Our consulting formats include accompanied workshops to make progress in a project or to drive new strategies. In the workshops, we bring together the different actors, provide the necessary know-how and lead the discussion process.
Build up relevant energy market knowledge and ask your questions on current energy industry topics. In addition, these events make it easier for you to network in the energy world.
In our interactive in-house trainings, we discuss your team's energy market-related challenges and provide data- and fact-based answers. Whether comprehensive basic or advanced seminars in the energy industry - depending on your needs, all topics can be combined.
Our Simulation Games help you achieve a deeper understanding of the interrelationships in the energy market and offer you a welcome change in your daily routine.
How can we help you? Feel free to contact us.